What To Do When Things Go Wrong On a Photo Shoot
Aug 05, 2023
Every photo shoot is not absolutely perfect. Styling mistakes may be made, items can be broken, supplies you need don’t arrive on time, staff or team members don’t make it to the shoot on time, the booked model is a “no show”, the list can go on and "things happen" and, of course, things can go wrong on Photographer’s end as well ~ I’ve seen my share of lens cap and memory card mishaps and lights not working. It happens to all of us.
Some reminders when something goes wrong on your photo shoot:
■ Don’t give excuses.(If something happens to be of your doing)
■ Don’t “hide” that you made a mistake.
■ Troubleshoot options. (Show that you are more than “just” a Stylist)
■ Remain calm and understanding.
■ Don’t complain.
■ Don’t play “blame game”.
■ Communicate it out.
■ Don’t do anything rash or impulsive.
When just beginning to style (or even if you’ve been styling for years) things happen, they may seem devastating at the time, just try to think of them as learning experiences, forgive, forget and remember ~ this too shall pass. Don’t be too hard on yourself and say “maybe styling is not for me” or “maybe I’m not talented enough”. Mistakes and "things going wrong" happens to every Photo or Prop Stylist at some point.
Keep on stylin'!
Bonnie ~
Image Credit | CoffeandMilk via IstockPhoto
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