Services and Photo Styling Education we office include everything from One on One Photo Styling Business Consulting to Group Education to Hands On Technical Styling. With over 20+ years in the photo styling business and creative industry, we teach you all the education, methods, tools and techniques for a successful, professional styling career.

We get it. Hiring a Photo or Prop Stylist can be expensive. Especially when you're first starting out as a Photographer. You're probably thinking . . . I just got a new lens, equipment and software . . . I can't hire a Stylist!? Learn the tools and products in the Stylists' Kit and the techniques, tips and resources to get those professionally styled photos for your clients and for your personal projects for your portfolio. This Presentation covers everything a photographer needs to know to style their own photos. Having worked with commercial photographers now for 30+ years, Bonnie knows exactly what photographers need in terms of styling. If a Photo Stylist is not in your budget right now, this presentation will "up your styling game" to book your dream clients.
Available in One on One and Group Options.
***Great Presentation for Photography Interest Groups, or add on Topic for Photography Seminars, Educational Programs or Workshops.***

Need some starting, guidance, tweaking or a total transformation of your photo styling business? We can help you ignite spark, systems and success into your stying business. OR maybe you want to learn more hands on photo styling techniques to elevate your skills and business? OR learn how to get more styling assignments by perfecting your negotiation and client relations skills? We got you.
We offer {one on one} Business of Styling or Hands On Styling Consulting. (Or combination of both) for Photo and Prop Stylists. (Consultations available in person and Zoom.)

Tabletop and Food Styling Presentation featuring our 8 Principals of Tabletop Styling and Composition techniques to ensure a beautifully styled tabletop. This Presentation covers color palettes, texture, composition, sourcing, techniques, and presentation as well as food styling for photographs including the products and tools needed to make your beverages and food "camera ready". Having styled for national magazines and catalogs for 30+ years, Bonnie will show you the "tips of the trade" to tabletop and food styling. in addition to the Principles of Tabletop Styling, we talk surfaces, where to find unique tabletop pieces, props, and florals. We cover it all ~ from "soup to nuts"! ;)
Presentation/Workshops have 2 Formats: For Photo Stylists looking to learn how to style for the "eye of the camera" and Non Photo Stylists, looking to learn the techniques of styling.
Available in One on One and Group Options.

Before anything (even before the very important copywriting) your brand speaks ~ visually before you do. How are your images "speaking"? Are you visually presenting your company/brand in the best, effective, inspiring way possible? This Workshop is perfect for Lifestyle Bloggers and Influencers wanting to improve their styling and images or wanting to transition into the commercial photo styling industry as well as brands wanting to do their own styling ~ either for photos or merchandising. This Workshop shows you all the tools, products and tips that go into making a beautifully, styled image with impact. This is a "hands on" Workshop. You will see the entire Stylists Kit and will take away many valuable tips and techniques to create a beautiful visual brand for yourself. (OR it you a Photo Stylist, creating beautiful images for your styling clients.)
Presentation/Workshop has 2 Formats: For Photo Stylists looking to learn how to style for the "eye of the camera" and Non Photo Stylists looking to learn the techniques of styling.
Available in One on One and Group Options.
Have Questions?
We would love to hear your questions and thoughts. We get back to all emails within 24 hours. You can contact us here or directly at [email protected]