Five Things You Need In Your Photo Styling Contract

Photo Stylists (in many styling niches including food stylists, wardrobe stylists and interior stylists) have told me that they do not use a Styling Services Contract. THIS is one of the reasons...

Best Way To Get Work As a Photo and Prop Stylist

One of the best ways I get photo styling clients is attending industry tradeshows and industry trade events. I started doing them over 10 years ago and even in the world of social media...

When To Walk Away From A Client

You work hard to get photo and prop styling clients ~ you really never want to think about walking away from them.  But, sometimes (& for different reasons) it will be necessary.   I...

Five Ways to Support Junior and Assistant Photo Stylists

Throughout my photo styling career, I worked with photo and prop stylists in all niches and in all situations (freelance, studio staff stylists and those represented by Agencies) who have told me...

What You Can Do To Stop Scope Creep With Clients


Let’s chat about Scope Creep. Scope Creep is when your original project time and tasks grow and takes (requires) more time than originally agreed upon with your client. Your...

15 Tips For Photo Stylists Working With Photographers

As a Photo Stylist, we want Photographers to love us. Move Love = More Work.  Every Photographer, of course, is different.  Different disciplines of photography, levels of experience and...

What To Know When Assisting a Lead Photo Stylist

Are you an Assistant Photo Stylist or Junior Photo Stylist looking to learn best ways to work with and learn from a Lead Photo Stylist? Let's talk about what a Lead Photo Stylist looks...