As Photo and Prop Stylists, we often times get caught up in going to our "go to" sources for styling assignment and projects and not expanding our horizons. We have to continually expand our...
The question I get ALOT is: “Do you charge a different rate depending on the assignment”? Nope. You are not being payed by the hour to do a task. You are not a Shopper...
There are several ways to work as a Photo and Prop Stylist. You can be a Freelance Stylist, sign with an Agency or you can work as a Studio Staff Stylist. In this post, we're talking...
Throughout my photo styling career, I worked with photo and prop stylists in all niches and in all situations (freelance, studio staff stylists and those represented by Agencies) who have told me...
I know giving a client a contract can be scary. (I hear this all the time from Freelance Photo and Prop Stylists) You could be thinking . . . I don’t want to give them a long, legal...
If you’re a Photo Stylist, Photographer or Creative, you have probably heard this phrase coming at ya a time or two . . . JUST DO YOUR THING. Let’s chat about those...
Trying to determine your photo and prop styling pay rate? I come from a completely different perspective and strategy behind the whole’ photo and prop styling pay rate convo.
When I...
Are you charging for your pre-work and post work? As Photo Stylists, we concentrate so much on the actual styling assignment, but sometimes we spend MORE time on preparing for the job than actually...
We talk about the big dilemmas here ~ the negotiating your photo and prop styling rate questions, the what should be in your styling services contract questions and how to get more clients...
Thinking about doing a Photography Testing? If a Photographer asks to test with you to see if they can work with you on an assignment with their clients, THIS is what they are looking for in...
Ohhhh . . . those Shiny Objects! Shiny Object Syndrome. It can stop your scroll, suck up an entire block of your time and get you thinking, “that’s what I REALLY...
Need help with know what should be in your Photo and Prop Styling Tool Kit? Actually, as Stylist's we need to know MORE than just the "What Should Be In My Styling Kit"? We have to...