We are talking everything Photo and Prop Styling Kit ~ how you arrive, pack and prepare for photo and prop styling assignments to look like a complete professional photo stylist. There is more to...
Sometimes, it's not just our beautiful styling that gets us the Photo Styling or Prop Styling assignments or the callbacks, sometimes ~ it’s our behavior, respect for others, attention...
Recently my friend, Tamara developed, launched and hosted THE most inspirational, nurturing, supportive, positive, fun event ever! ~ The Plunge! It was a beautiful, sunny (sunrise!) morning on a...
We talk a lot about adding to your photo styling services and income streams around here. I always want to inspire and encourage you to branch out and monetize your styling talent in different...
Do you have a habit of procrastinating OR striving for perfection in your photo styling career? Are you waiting for the perfect photos, perfect website, perfect time to approach your dream...
Are you bending over backwards for your clients? Have you felt like this? It may be because of a real, genuine PITA (Pain in the A**) ;) client OR it could be YOU just trying to please your...
What are your photo styling challenges? Technical, hands on, styling challenges? I always talk about the business side of photo styling here ~ so thought I would “mix it...
Every photo shoot is not absolutely perfect. Styling mistakes may be made, items can be broken, supplies you need don’t arrive on time, staff or team members don’t make it to the...
Are you charging for your photo styling pre-work and post-work? As Photo Stylists, we concentrate so much on the actual styling assignment, but sometimes we spend MORE time on preparing for...
As a Photo Stylist, do you suffer from what I call the "When I" Syndrome? It's thoughts you might be telling yourself and it goes a littl' something like this: I will try to book that...
“Style, Shoot & Show” the work you want to get hired to do. Years ago, I took a Creative Live course taught by Photographer, John Keatley. (I took 2 of John's classes!)...
Don’t always give your Photographers and/or Clients what they want! ;) You are the Photo Stylist. Don’t classify yourself as “the person who shops and then...